Parth Kabra
19 years old computer and programming enthusiast, just finished IB diploma, currently serving National Service in Singapore. Looking forward to joining college in Fall of '21.
- Python
- JavaScript, Vue
- Flutter
Experience in
- Firebase
- TensorFlow
- Java
- UI/UX, human interaction
- Design and architecture
- Machine learning
NextBus SG
Holt Soundboard
NS Resources
Achievements and mentions
Working as a software development lead at the Singapore Armed Forces as part of my mandatory National Service. Responsibilities include designing and developing applications to automate and improve the overall efficiency of army processes
Teaching intermediate/advanced Python to college-bound students and enabling them to improve their skills towards app building
11,000+ downloads for my Holt Soundboard Android app
200+ stars on GitHub projects
The code for NextBus SG, and the code got rave reviews on a Flutter YouTube channel for architectural design and UI/UX excellance
Submitted on, a Flutter showcase
NS resources website is the most upvoted post on the subreddit