

An app to identify, prioritize, and collaborate in solving the pothole problem in India

Travelling on Indian roads during all my visits has always been a nightmare given the sheer number of potholes that one has to navigate and maneuver around. I did some research and found that the typical number of potholes on a road was absolutely mind-boggling. I also spoke to some local senior community and corporate leaders trying to understand the reason the problem existed. As I thought more about the problem, and idea developed in my mind to bring together communities and local leadership in a collaborative manner to address the problem. Thus the idea for DitchIT was born!

Technologies used

  • Firebase as a data store
  • Flutter to create a platform-agnostic app and for its integration with Firebase
  • Device accelerometer and gelocation data
  • TensorFlow for machine learning models for detecting potholes

More information

Next steps

  1. I’m currently dealing with challenges relating to prioritizing the potholes based on geolocation data.
  2. I’m still figuring out ways to test the application and detecting algorithms on real roads. This is a challenge in Singapore given the top-class infrastructure.
  3. Open to collaboration and partnerships on this front.